10 May 2024 Company Updates

Get to Know the Program Created by Giti Focused on Traffic Safety

Get to Know the Program Created by Giti Focused on Traffic Safety

The goal is to create a culture of zero accidents beyond the walls of its factories, where this concept has already been incorporated into the company's daily routine. Based on this philosophy, Giti Tire created GoSafe, a program that encourages the adoption of simple measures in our daily lives to reduce traffic accidents and fatalities. In addition to executing its own projects, Giti also partners with various public and private institutions, supporting initiatives aimed at making roads, drivers, and vehicles safer.

The importance of this topic can be explained through alarming statistics. According to the Global Status Report on Road Safety, published by the World Health Organization, in 2023, approximately 1.19 million people died due to traffic accidents, 28% of them in Southeast Asia, the region that leads the ranking and where GoSafe was initially implemented in 2017. Conducted in partnership with the Singapore Traffic Police, the Program supported educational actions aimed at young students, addressing the rules that protect their safety while walking on the roads.

Currently, Giti uses its global pages on Instagram (@gititiresglobal) and Facebook (@GitiTires) to promote the Program, sharing tips on traffic education. During "May Yellow" - a month dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of traffic safety - in addition to animations, the company will raffle a set of tires among followers who correctly answer the GoSafe quiz. The promotion began on May 13 and will end on May 26, with the winner announced on May 28.

The idea is to associate the theme of safety - one of the main attributes of the brand's products - with the environment in which it is embedded in people's daily lives, encouraging the creation of communities engaged in activities aimed at changing behavior towards a reality of zero accidents on the roads. This, in fact, is the goal that permeates all actions supported by GoSafe.

If you want to learn more about the program, follow our social media channels.

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